Pennies, Pennies, Pennies

Pennies, Pennies, Pennies
Do we really need pennies any more?

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The First American Coins

Were coins different years ago? Many people are great collectors of old coins. Watch the video at this site and find out about those coins.

The First American Coins

What kinds of procedures are taken to reduce the chances of people printing their own money? Watch this video and share the methods while talking about how decimals and fractions might be used in printing paper money.

Printing Money


D.J Longsnock said...

The second one is really cool, the one about counterfeiting. There is so may ways you can tell the difference. Like the type of paper, and where you put the letters, and so on. I also think it is amazing the treasury makes 500 million dollars a day! I think that is AMAZING!!! And by the way, how much money does it take to make a printing press? Wouldn't it be easy to identify?

Sky said...

I am just seeing is it worked!! and it does.

Mrs. Parsons said...

J- Doesn't it make you wonder were that 500,000 dollars a day goes to! Why do we have poor people if we print that much money each day? Where is it going?

I like your question about the printing press, could you find that information anywhere and share it with us?

Unknown said...

Mrs Parsons,
I really like the Amarican Coins thing because it's amazing how everyday they can make so much money! I wonder how people can't steel that money! What if they pretend there working and they just steel one of those sheets of and they would be so rich. I guess that wouldn't happen though because they probably need to make those 500 million dollars and when they think they made it and they really don't that would get really BAD! But how do they find the person who lost it??

Sky said...

Mrs, Parsons,
That is really interesting that they print so much money a day! I wonder where it goes? I can't believe that people would make counterfit money! Do they like check every bill?

Mrs. Parsons said...

Have you ever seen a clerk at a store put a special pen on a bill, especially 50's or 100's? What do you think they are checking for?

I'm sure there are people who do try to steal the sheets of money, I'm sure there is lots of security at the Mint. Have you ever seen the trucks that deliver money to the banks. They look well protected and I am sure the driver is well trained!

Sky said...

I think that the clerks are checking to see if the money is real or not! I have also seen those trucks. They are those Fargo trucks, and yeah they are heavely armered.