Identify as many currencies as you can in this picture. What might the different currencies tell you about the cultures that created them? Since the paper money has little inherent worth, what gives the money value?
So, what do you think? Should the U. S. keep producing pennies? Do some research about the cost to make a penny, is it more than its value? Do we still need pennies, what are they worth to us? If the government decided not to produce any more pennies, how would that affect the economy?
Share what you find out and tell us your opinion. Be sure to read the posts often so that you can respond to others!
How does the United States Mint create American money? What different types of jobs at the mint would require a strong knowledge of math? Tell us what you think!
What kinds of procedures are taken to reduce the chances of people printing their own money? Watch this video and share the methods while talking about how decimals and fractions might be used in printing paper money.
Why do we have pennies? Were they created in a day when items or services could be purchased for such a low price? Do we still need them? In a time when people drop pennies and don't take the time to pick them up, or when you can enter a local convenient store and see a dish of pennies people left because they don't really want to carry them in their pocket, do you ever wonder why we still have them, do they serve the same purpose as they did years ago? Does it cost more to make the penny than it is worth? How might it change our economy if we stopped making and using pennies? Does it make you think?